The new AIRHOME-350/V heat recovery unit of SODECA, certified with the Passivhaus standard.
Recuperadores de calor

The new AIRHOME-350/V heat recovery unit of SODECA, certified with the Passivhaus standard.

The main goal of the Passivhaus standard is to significantly reduce a building's heating and cooling energy demand, thus minimizing its environmental impact and achieving a high level of indoor comfort.

Passivhaus buildings are designed to be highly airtight and thermally insulated, which allows them to maintain a constant and comfortable indoor temperature, reducing the demand for conventional heating or cooling systems.

The AIRHOME-350/V heat recovery units from SODECA, thanks to their great thermal insulation and low energy consumption, have achieved Passivhaus certification, thereby helping to save energy in sustainable buildings. It is worth noting that the AIRHOME-350/V from SODECA is certified to work in both cold and warm climate zones, allowing its installation in many climatic areas around the world.

SODECA also offers the AIRHOME-150 heat recovery units, specially designed for installation in false ceilings, thanks to their compact design and easy installation. They also feature interchangeable ducts, removable F7 filters, remote control, and IAQ sensors.

Without a doubt, these units stand out for their efficient ventilation characteristics for homes and their ability to eliminate air pollutants and reduce the risk of humidity and condensation.