The pressurization systems for evacuation routes in case of fire by SODECA ensure the safe evacuation of occupants and the rapid intervention of emergency services.
SODECA is one of the world leaders in pressurization systems for evacuation routes in case of fire. It is important to note that overpressure pressurization in evacuation routes, such as stairwells and corridors, is a crucial solution to ensure the safety of people in the event of a fire, as it helps keep these areas free of smoke and allows for safer evacuation.

The method of smoke control by overpressure consists of pressurization through the injection of air into compartments used as evacuation routes in case of fire, such as stairwells, corridors, passageways, elevators, etc. This method is based on smoke control through air velocity and the artificial barrier created by the overpressure.
SODECA designs these pressurization control systems according to European standards and the European norm EN 12101-6 "Smoke and heat control systems: Specifications for pressure differential systems." For the implementation of pressurization control systems, it is important to verify compliance with local regulations and standards and to work in collaboration with fire safety experts, such as those at SODECA, to ensure the effectiveness of the systems and the safety of people in case of an emergency.